How can I start as an advertiser on the TwinRed platform?

You should first register and create an account: SIGN-UP HERE

To complete your registration please verify your email address by clicking on the verification link sent to the email account you added during registration.

For your account to be activated, make sure to:

  • Complete your Account Information
  • Fill our Premium Partner Questionnaire (not mandatory but recommended)

Both can be updated by selecting Settings under your username (sign-up email) at the top of the portal screen.


Once your account has been activated, you will then be just few steps away from going live:

  • Create your first Campaign, Placement and Media (in this order)
  • Add funds to your account
  • Our Compliance department will review your Media(s) according to our Advertisers Guidelines.
  • If approved, and if your account is funded, the campaign will automatically start running and receiving traffic once you activate it.


Make sure to always follow our Terms, Conditions and Guidelines. You can find all the information you need on how to add funds under “Accounting > Add Funds” in your TwinRed Portal.

Any questions?

If you have any further questions, we will be happy to help you personally. Contact us via the following contact form .


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